😎 Ep2. Jey Van-Sharp: Culture is Data

Get the Pulse on Culture & What’s Cool with A.I., Data & Creativity from /Prompt Papi Jey Van-Sharp

Creativity Squared: On Culture, Data, A.I. & Creativity

“A big part of humanity is expression and creating out of the chaos.”

-Jey Van-Sharp aka /Prompt Papi

Dear Creativity Squared Member,

Welcome, especially to all our new members — thank you for being here!

The whole team has loved all the positive feedback from the first interview with the wildly talented Harry Yeff who’s a world-renowned beatboxer and voice technologist who collaborates with artificial intelligence. If you haven’t listened to it yet, do check it out and let us know what you think.

Today, episode two is here with Jey Van-Sharp aka /Prompt Papi. 🎉 In our conversation, Jey shares his thoughts on the current cultural zeitgeist and what’s cool with A.I., data, and creativity. We covered a lot of topics including Jey’s thoughts on equity and artificial intelligence. And I confess to outing him as a Disney imagineering fan! With that prompt, Jey shared his conversations with A.I. Walt Disney and also did a live demo with ChatGPT on an abstract concept explained through…Beauty and the Beast! We discussed what this means for learning and content personalization and the implications for the future of mainstream entertainment and shared experiences discussed around the “water cooler.”

Jey and I can talk all day about these topics, and we covered so much, that there are two versions of the interview. One edited for our podcast listeners and then there’s the full-length video version. You can find both on the episode’s dedicated page. Whichever one you choose, hope you enjoy the thought-provoking conversation!

The intention of Creativity Squared is to be an active participant in the conversation and ignite our collective imagination at the intersection of A.I. and creativity to envision a world where artists thrive. Because it’s important to support artists, 10% of all revenue Creativity Squared generates goes to ArtsWave, a nationally recognized non-profit that supports over 100 arts organizations. Consider becoming a Premium Member today! 

I’d love to hear from you so don’t be shy to reply to this email and let me know your feedback and any person or topic at the intersection of creativity and A.I. you’d like for us to explore on this platform.

I’m learning Beehiiv, the newsletter platform we’re using, and am introducing referral rewards. The first is a virtual coffee date with me — scroll down for the details!

We’re just getting started, and if you enjoy our content, I’d really appreciate it if you could share, review, like, subscribe, leave a comment, and help spread the word about Creativity Squared in whatever way you’re willing to. Your support is greatly appreciated, and the whole team looks forward to growing with your help. Thank you!

Here's to exponential possibilities!


Helen Todd (she/her)
Human behind Creativity Squared
linkedin / twitter / pinterest / instagram
How creatives are collaborating with A.I.

Listen: Ep2. Culture is Data
Get the Pulse on Culture and What’s Cool with A.I., Data & Creativity from /Prompt Papi Jey Van-Sharp

“This is the first time that creators have a competitive advantage against people who have very rigid mindsets. People who are in ivory towers, big companies, people who fashion himself as being conservative about their ideas…And their metric that they think is statistically safe, which clearly is not, because if it was safe, every single bet would have yielded a return on that bet, right. So clearly something's off with those models and something is missing there. So, the fact that those people are so sure about their models is due for disruption. Right?”

Listen to the fascinating and full conversation with Jey Van-Sharp on the cultural zeitgeist and the changing dynamics for the creative industry, including the disruption of traditional gatekeepers. There are two versions, one edited for our podcast listeners and an extended video version.

Become a Premium Member to Unlock Exclusive Content and Claim Your NFT

Become a Premium Member to unlock exclusive content and to claim your NFTs of episode cover art!

At $10 per month or discounted to $100 for annual memberships, Premium Members enjoy other benefits too:

  • $1 per month (or $10 per year) to ArtsWave

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  • First-Dibs at Event Invites

  • Access to Monthly Exclusive Content (e.g. Helen’s Monthly Must-Know Video Report on the hottest A.I. news)

  • Discounts from Creativity Squared Partners

There is also a VIP Founding Member tier for those who want lifetime first dibs and access to Creativity Squared content, events, and whatever we dream up!

Because it’s important to support artists, 10% of all revenue Creativity Squared generates will go to ArtsWave, a nationally recognized non-profit that supports over 100 arts organizations.

Watch: Amy Webb’s 2023 Tech Trend Report Keynote at SXSW 2023
“It’s the end of the internet as you know it.”

The amazing futurist Amy Webb is the founder and CEO of the Future Today Institute and a professor at NYU Stern School of Business. Her SXSW keynote is always a favorite where she releases her Tech Trends Report, and this year marks the 16th edition of the famous report which is downloaded over 1 million times every year. She provides a data-driven analysis for the emerging tech trends that need to be on your radar – and she shows scenarios that will change your perspective on the possible future.

She shared that the days of the internet as we know it are numbered. She reinforced that we need to be active participants in determining how we want this technology to be in society as it can go a few different ways, one that benefits a few or one that benefits all. WE have a lot to do to ensure that we are co-creating the world we want to live in.

Her keynote is a must-watch to get a pulse on where we are and the future possibilities depending on how we as a society decide to move forward.

In-the-Know: Artificial Gamer
A Glimpse into the OpenAI Team

“Today, humans lost.”

- DOTA 2 World Champion Player

Released in 2021, Artificial Gamer follows a passionate team of engineers from the company OpenAI who are challenged to develop artificial intelligence capable of defeating the World Champions of DOTA 2, a video game more complex than anything attempted by A.I. in the past — and given only one year to do it.

Millions of dollars are on the line on top of human emotions and ego against a machine that's designed to do simply do its job: win. The film is as entertaining as it is a fascinating glimpse into the thinking of the people who work at OpenAI.

When this film was released, it was before OpenAI exploded into the spotlight when ChatGPT catapulted into the mainstream with the fastest user adoption ever seen, surpassing 100 million users within two months.

We see how the OpenAI President and Co-Founder Greg Brockman and his team of engineers think about artificial intelligence through the lens of gaming as a benchmark of what's possible. It's important to know who the people are who are working on this extremely disruptive technology and we see for this project, there's a lot of trial and error. We also see that the team is made up of people like you and me.

What's also interesting in the film is how the teams who play against the A.I. improved their game exponentially, which is similar to how Creativity Squared guest Harry Yeff discusses how A.I. serves as mentors, collaborators, and opponents which has helped him improve his craft too.

Thank You to Sociality Squared

Creativity Squared is brought to you by Sociality Squared, a social media agency who understands the magic of bringing people together around what they value and love: http://socialitysquared.com

Interested in partnering with Creativity Squared, reach out!